Packed With Purpose - Our Partners
Partnering with amazing organizations allows us to maximize the impact of our resources.

Packed with Purpose has partnered with Healing Haiti to bring needed supplies and relief to Haiti. This is a country right in our back yard—considered one of the Americas—and yet is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Many people are living in extreme poverty, with no clean water, no electricity, no toilet, garbage everywhere, little food… where 10-12 people live in a one-room tin shack with a dirt floor, and where the floor turns to mud during the rainy season.
We collect and supply used bags that are used to transport medical supplies, baby formula, and school supplies which will be distributed to Haitians through Once the supplies are distributed, the bags are then given to Haitian people who have lost everything in the earthquake of 2010. These people are now living in tent cities throughout Port-au-Prince and use these bags as a 'dresser' to store and protect what little clothes and valuables they have. The Haitian people are extremely grateful for the help and support.

There are many challenges and opportunities to make a difference in the lives of the poor. Here are a few examples how Healing Haiti has stepped in and helped:
- Funded a 3500 gallon water truck, delivering 364,000 gallons of clean water each month for free, in the slums of Cite Soleil and with the help of ECOsmarte and Reiser Relief were able to ship a second 2500 gallon water truck to Haiti.
- Shipped and distributed over 1.75 Million meals from Feed My Starving Children and Kids Against Hunger.
- In the summer of 2006, they broke ground on a 4-room school addition, a 30,000-gallon cistern (to collect clean water off the roof of the school), a 4-stall sanitary block (concrete outhouse) and a kitchen to replace the tin shack that was being used to prepare food for the children. Construction was finished and the project was dedicated in July, 2007.
- In the summer of 2007, Healing Haiti began supporting a small orphanage, in the poor rural village of Titanyen. They provided, rent, food, water, beds and sent the children to school.
- In the 2008, with the help of donors, 16 acres of land were purchased that would provide the foundation for Grace Village. In the fall of 2009, Healing Haiti broke ground on phase one of Grace Village which included a Feeding Center that feeds 80 children at one sitting. Each dormitory houses up to 40 children.
- In January of 2010, Haiti experienced a 7.2 magnitude earthquake killing over 300,000 people, leaving over 1 million homeless. 3 days after the earthquake, Healing Haiti returned to help serve the victims of the quake. They went to work shuttling victims to makeshift clinics and started delivering clean water into the hardest hit areas and tent cities of Port-au-Prince. The new orphanage buildings were moderately damaged with some of the walls tumbling... but thankfully, none of the Healing Haiti workers were seriously hurt.
- In 2011, Healing Haiti will bring 43 teams to Haiti. Over 400 people will experience the extreme poverty along with the joy and faithfulness of the Haitian people. They continue to care for their orphan children, pay teacher salaries at 3 schools so over 1000 children can go to school for free, run water trucks delivering clean water for free in one of the worst slums in the world, care for orphaned elderly in the rural village of Titanyen and continue to work on phase one of Grace Village with an expected completion date of January, 2012.

Packed with Purpose makes recurring donations of gently used luggage and bags to the retail stores of Goodwill Industries. The revenue earned from the sale of these bags at Goodwill stores is used to fund job training, employment placement services and other community-based programs for people who have disabilities, those who lack education or job experience, and others who face challenges to finding employment. Goodwill is the leading nonprofit provider of job training programs and career services in the United States and Canada, and its goal is to help people find and keep good jobs.

Goodwill making a difference:
- People served through employment and training programs: 2.4 million
- Workforce development services provided: 29.4 million
- People placed in employment: 170,000
- Personal and family support services provided: 8 million
- Total revenue generated by Goodwill organizations: $4.3 billion
- Total revenue spent directly on programs: 84 percent
- Total number of donors (includes repeat donations): 74 million
- Every 42 seconds of every business day, someone earns a good job with the help of Goodwill.

Many children in El Salvador are unable to attend school because there is no money to buy the supplies they need. Many children also do not attend school because they need to work on the family farm or earn money to contribute to the family income. With no education, these students have little hope of a bright future and are vulnerable to gangs, organized crime, drugs and prostitution.
The primary purpose of the Seeds of Hope Sponsorship Program is to increase the access of Salvadoran children and youth to education as a means of equipping them for a brighter future, able to serve their families and communities. The Program also provides for the development of on-going relationships between sponsored students and sponsor families in the United States.