Leather briefcases are the perfect combination of style, function and durability, for any business person. Whether it is a short trip to the office or an extended cross country journey, these bags will always look appropriate and professional. Most styles include both hand grips and a padded shoulder strap, for maximum versatility. Some models have wheels and a retractable handle, for heavy loads or long jaunts down hallways. While traditional colors like black, brown, navy and camel are the most common shades used by professionals, those in more creative fields may opt for brighter shades such as yellow, red or green. Leather briefcases can be produced from various types of leather and each type has a unique look and feel. Multiple interior compartments keep files and notes organized, while most are large enough to hold a laptop computer or electronic notebook. Exterior pockets provide easy access to keys, a calculator or eyeglasses.
Leather briefcases are the perfect combination of style, function and durability, for any business person. Whether it is a short trip to the office or an extended cross country journey, these bags will always look appropriate and professional. Most styles include both hand grips and a padded shoulder strap, for maximum versatility. Some models have wheels and a retractable handle, for heavy loads or long jaunts down hallways. While traditional colors like black, brown, navy and camel are the most common shades used by professionals, those in more creative fields may opt for brighter shades such as yellow, red or green. Leather briefcases can be produced from various types of leather and each type has a unique look and feel. Multiple interior compartments keep files and notes organized, while most are large enough to hold a laptop computer or electronic notebook. Exterior pockets provide easy access to keys, a calculator or eyeglasses.